a girls best friend là gì - Nghĩa của từ a girls best friend

a girls best friend có nghĩa là

A girl best friend will there for you no matter what. Even if you do something horrible they will be by your side. It’s someone you can trust, and be able to tell them everything and anything. Someone you want to tell something first before your girl friends or mom you want to tell them first to see how proud they are of you. A girl best friend isn’t just anyone it’s the person that tops everyone off, the girl that you want to watch series with and stay on call with all night the person you say goodnight and good morning to, the one who knows you better then anyone and knows your favorite food and favorite show she’s almost like your sister and you treat her like a princess. A girl best friend will give you advice about girls and tell you how to flirt and everything and she would love you no matter what


So what’s up with you and savannah? Oh she’s my girl best friend

a girls best friend có nghĩa là

Girl bestfriend is the best person you'll meet in your life.She'll cuddle you like your a Big brother and protect you like your one too.She's the person who makes you smile,laugh and be yourself around the most!She would treat you like family and would be really proud of you no matter what you did she would text you in the morning and night and he would invite you around to her house all the time.You'd know her family and be comfortable around them,you'd drink tea and watch movies together whilst eating loads of junk food,then you would talk about everything and anything you ever knew and ever hoped and dreamed off.She would take you out to places and the cinemas and you could trust Her with anything!


That's My Girl Best friend But Nottingham My Girl Friend

a girls best friend có nghĩa là

(noun) a girl best friend is the one special woman in your life you love, platonically. She loves you like a brother, and doesn’t judge you for who you are. She may have a small crush on you one time or another. You may have a small crush on her one time or another. This is completely normal. Hug her, complement her, protect her, make her feel special, even if she isn’t your girlfriend.
She loves you, show her some love too. She IS your best friend after all.


My girl best friend is the one person that will show me empathy when my guy friends won’t.

a girls best friend có nghĩa là

your girl best friend will always be there for you when you need her or don’t. she is something that you don’t ever want to lose. she’s trustworthy and honest. she’ll cuddle you like a big brother or hold you like a younger brother. no matter what you did, she’ll be there to text you goodnight or good morning. she will love you and cherish you even if you don’t know it.


“you are my girl best friend and i thank you for always being there for me.”

a girls best friend có nghĩa là

best friend; a best friend is there for you when no one else is. yeah, they might think your insane or completely out of your mind but, let's be honest, they are too! they keep you from doing stupid things. like, texting your ex. you might be down for it now... but hon, we both know in 24 hours, it's gonna be a WHOLE 'nother ball game! they love you no matter what. even if they wanna kill you! they are there for your every moment. the sad ones, the happy ones, the ones you just can't ever let go of, and the ones you never wanna think of again. they aren't only your best friend, but they're like your sister, mom, and even SOMETIMES kinda like your girlfriend! you have the type of friendship that might make you wonder, "why am i friends with this person?", but other times... "how am i so lucky to be friends with this person?" you seriously love them with all of your heart and even through thick and thin, they are your person. they are your sidekick, ride or die, day one, twin, sibling, wifey, mom, and most importantly... best friend.


"ruba is a girl's best friend."

a girls best friend có nghĩa là

A girl best friend is the best thing that’s going to ever happen to you. She’s always going to make you smile, she’s always going to make you happy, she’s always going to make you laugh, and she’s always going to make your day. You can be yourself around her. You would know her family and be comfortable around them. She’s the person you would stay on FaceTime with all night, you would ask her that if she’s tired and that it’s OK if she wants to go but she would just deny it and act like she’s not tired at all just to stay on the call with you. She’s the person you would trust anything with. She will be there for you no matter what. She’s the last person you’ll talk to before going to bed and the first when you get out of bed. She is something that you don’t ever want to lose. She’s trustworthy and honest. She’ll give you the warmest hugs. She’ll cuddle you in the cutest ways. She’ll love you like no one has ever done before. She may have a crush on you one time or another. You may have a small crush on her one time or another. This is completely normal. Hug her, compliment her, protect her, make her feel special, even if she isn’t your girlfriend. She loves you, show her some love too.


People- Is she like you’re girlfriend Me- No, she’s my Girl Best Friend
People- You guys should definitely date

a girls best friend có nghĩa là

Is easy to talk to and is someone you can say anything to without being judged. You feel comfortable around them and can be yourself. Will stand up to you and tease you and have playful banter with you to keep you in line. Understands you better than most other people you know. Can make you feel a certain way that no one else can. Will support you no matter what and be there for you during the best and worst times. Talk to you about girls problems and helps give an insight on the female mind. Will stand up for you and cares about you more than they are probably willing to show.


You’re my favourite person in the world, you must be my girl best friend!!

a girls best friend có nghĩa là

She’s always there for you
You want her,but can’t show it or tell her
You always want to talk to her, even more than your boys
She’s rly special, nice, funny, all of that


Hey thanks for being my girl best friend through all of this

a girls best friend có nghĩa là

A girl best friend is a young woman who will take care of you as if you were her own brother or sister.
She’ll hype you up and boost your ego when you need it, but she won’t be afraid to give it to you straight when you’re wrong.
She’ll never fail to be there when you need somebody to listen to your problems, anxieties, or insecurities.
She’ll sometimes know you better than you know yourself.
She will love you and have your back ‘till the very end.
Lastly, she will paint your world with her kindness. What more could you ask for? Now stop reading this definition and go tell your girl best friend that you love and appreciate her. :)


Friend: “Dude... Did Maddie write you an entire song?”
You: “Yep.”
Friend: “And you two aren’t dating?”
You: “Nope. She’s my girl best friend.”

a girls best friend có nghĩa là

A girl best friend is the best thing that’s going to ever happen to you. She’s always going to make you smile, she’s always going to make you happy, she’s always going to make you laugh, and she’s always going to make your day. You can be yourself around her. You would know her family and be comfortable around them. She’s the person you would stay on FaceTime with all night, you would ask her that if she’s tired and that it’s OK if she wants to go but she would just deny it and act like she’s not tired at all just to stay on the call with you. She’s the person you would trust anything with. She will be there for you no matter what. She’s the last person you’ll talk to before going to bed and the first when you get out of bed. She is something that you don’t ever want to lose. She’s trustworthy and honest. She’ll give you the warmest hugs. She’ll cuddle you in the cutest ways. She’ll love you like no one has ever done before. She may have a crush on you one time or another. You may have a small crush on her one time or another. This is completely normal. Hug her, compliment her, protect her, make her feel special, even if she isn’t your girlfriend. She loves you, show her some love too.


A: So what’s up with you and Abby B: Oh nothing. She’s just my girl best-friend
A: Ohh

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