Lỗi warcraft 3 the map file is too big năm 2024

It keeps on saying that the map file is too big to load when i try to host it on BNet! How can i fix this problem? Plz help me!

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Lỗi warcraft 3 the map file is too big năm 2024

Your map file must be over the limit of 4 mb.

Do you have lots of custom models/icons?

Do you have a sound file?

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Imported music, cinematics, and large model/skin files usually do this. Unless you put a month or two into your map you should try removing some imports, Improvise!

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Lỗi warcraft 3 the map file is too big năm 2024


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So you guys are saying that my imported music and music player triggers will mess it up!?

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Lỗi warcraft 3 the map file is too big năm 2024

So you guys are saying that my imported music and music player triggers will mess it up!?


What size is your music file?

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Lỗi warcraft 3 the map file is too big năm 2024

Mess it up? no..

But they will make it larger, you can try to compress the files some how then import them in again or just get rid of them so you get the map size below 4mb.

Hi guys i have this problem since i changing to win 10, My warcraft 3 doesn't show maps that bigger than 10MB size in custom game, I tried maps that are below 10MB and its showed in custom game, I using patch 1.31.1 right now but i tried 1.26, 1.27b and 1.29 but none of them work, I look everywhere for answer but no one ever had this problem pls help!!

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    [...] I using patch 1.31.1 right now but i tried 1.26, 1.27b and 1.29 but none of them work [...]

The two solutions to load maps > 8MB provided above, should not be used at the same time. Use what works best for you.

With v1.27b, this file size limit was officially raised by Blizzard from 8MB to 128 MB. It was then even further raised (doubled) in a later version. Because you say it does not work with v1.29, then I am guessing the maps you have problems with, may be >128 MB?

Out of curiosity, what was your WC3 version before you upgraded to Windows 10 please?

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No, I don't have problem with Game.dll, It's work fine, I just can't see my maps that are bigger than 10MB or maybe 13MB cause i try a map that 12MB and it's show in custom game, I istall maps in currect path but when i wanna play them, They just doesn't showed up, As i say i try maps that are smaller than 10MB and all of them work fine, i instaled originally WC3 1.21b then i patch it to 1.26a, 1.27b but has same problem.

I used to play WC3 1.26a in Windows 7 and Windows 8 and its work fine all maps showed in custom game, BTW i think download it via Garena back then.

Unfortunately all new maps are bigger than 20MB

Lỗi warcraft 3 the map file is too big năm 2024
pls help!!

Last edited: Apr 20, 2021

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Depending on which maps are your test subjects, it is very possible it's not size that's making them not show up.

Maps saved in a newer version of the World Editor are not guaranteed to work on older versions of the game so they will often not show up. Not showing on 1.31.1 is the most extraordinary though because that should only ever happen on maps made in 1.32.

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    Depending on which maps are your test subjects, it is very possible it's not size that's making them not show up.
Maps saved in a newer version of the World Editor are not guaranteed to work on older versions of the game so they will often not show up. Not showing on 1.31.1 is the most extraordinary though because that should only ever happen on maps made in 1.32.

1.32 is reforged right? Because i download and I'm sure it's for 1.31.1 but it does not show up in custom game.

Also another thing i can't open these maps with editor its says 'Level info data missing or invalid', Does it related to my problem?

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    [...] i download and I'm sure it's for 1.31.1 but it does not show up in custom game. [...]

Where did you copy the map to? (note: full folder path, please)

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Azeroth Wars Reforged absolutely requires 1.32 (Reforged, I checked the war3map.w3i file to make sure and it's saved under 1.32.9 WE), this is not a good test candidate