Giải bài tập sách solutions pre intermediate students book năm 2024

Giải bài tập sách solutions pre intermediate students book năm 2024

1 Pre-Intermediate (UA) Workbook Key

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Unit 1

1A Personality

Exercise 1 page 4

1 shy 2 nasty 3 serious 4 stupid 5 weak 6 polite

7 generous 8 talkative 9 patient 10 honest 11 arrogant

Exercise 2 page 4

The opposite of hard-working is lazy.

Exercise 3 page 4

2 dishonest 3 generous 4 rude 5 talkative 6 clever

7 nasty 8 lazy 9 funny 10 impatient

Exercise 4 $ LISTENING 2 page 4

1 Terry

I love going out with my Uncle Harry. He always pays for everybody.

He just enjoys spending money! He’s so different from his brother (that’s

my dad, of course). The only problem with Harry is that he can be rather

impolite. He isn’t very sensitive and doesn’t think before he speaks. The other

day he really upset my dad when he told him he was mean.

2 Julie

My mum’s amazing, really. She never loses her temper, she just stays

really calm. She’s got four children (me, my brother and my two sisters) and

has to ask us to do things ten or twenty times before we actually do them–

but she doesn’t get angry. She also works full-time at the supermarket

and doesn’t get home till 6 o’clock. I don’t know how she fits it all in. She


3 Martin

My sister and I have completely different personalities. I like meeting

new people and am happy to chat to people I don’t know – at parties, for

example. But Sonia feels a bit nervous in situations like that. She waits for

people to come to her. But when she gets to know you and starts talking

she really makes you laugh.

4 Emma

We’re twins, but we aren’t identical. We don’t look alike, and our

personalities aren’t alike, either. For example, I don’t say very much, normally.

I’m fairly quiet. Louise is the complete opposite. She never stops! But she

doesn’t talk about herself. Last summer for example she got fantastic marks

in her exams but you never hear her talking about it.

1 generous, rude 2 patient, hard-working

3 shy, funny 4 talkative, modest

Challenge! $ LISTENING 2 page 4


He can be rather impolite.


She never loses her temper, she just stays really calm.


Sonia feels a bit nervous in situations like that.


I’m fairly quiet. Louise is the complete opposite.

1 rather impolite

2 her temper, really calm

3 feels, bit nervous

4 fairly quiet, complete opposite

Exercise 5 page 4

2 irresponsible 3 insensitive 4 unfair 5 irrational

6 immature 7 intolerant 8 disloyal

Exercise 6 page 4

1 sensitive 2 fit 3 immature 4 irrational 5 tolerant

6 disloyal 7 fair 8 irresponsible

1B Present simple and


Exercise 1 page 5

2 ✓ 3 ✓ 4 I’m wearing trainers today. 5 ✓

6 Look. That man is wearing pink shoes.

7 ‘What does Sam do?’ ‘He’s a dentist.’

Exercise 2 page 5

1 Are, having 2 ’m shopping 3 are, looking for 4 never

wear 5 like 6 know 7 do, need

8 ’m going

Exercise 3 page 5

1 a Are, coming b do, come

2 a wears b ’m wearing

3 a Does, see b Are, seeing

4 a plays b is playing

5 a hate b ’m enjoying

Exercise 4 page 5

1 are, doing 2 ’m texting 3 ’re going 4 are,laughing

5 is going 6 are, doing 7 ’m going 8 isn’t going

Exercise 5 page 5

1 a 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 b 7 b 8 b

Challenge! page 5

Students’ own answers

1C Lifestyles

Exercise 1 page 6

Students’ own answers

Exercise 2 page 6

1 G 2 F 3 C 4 E 5 D 6 B 7 A

Exercise 3 page 6

hospitable: friendly and welcoming

fertile: good soil or land

independent: free from outside control

patriotic: supporting one’s country

sensible: based on good judgement

vibrant: full of energy and life

weaving: making a fabric

woodcarving: making an object from wood

ceramics: pots made from clay

city dwellers: people who live in the city

hanging out: spending time relaxing

achievements: things done successfully

prominent: important or famous

2nd edition

Pre-Intermediate Workbook Key