Restate Thesis là gì

Ví dụ 1:

Mở bài:

It is argued by some that all students entering university should solely study subjects that will be of use for their future. In my opinion, however, it would be more beneficial for them to choose the courses that they have an interest in.

Kết bài:

In conclusion, although some people think that universities should only offer the most useful subjects, I personally believe that students should have the right to study whatever they prefer.

IELTS TUTOR chú thích các từ đồng nghĩa:

  • It is argued by some that some people think that
  • solely only
  • subjects that will be of use for their future useful subjects,
  • In my opinion I personally believe that
  • it would be more beneficial for them to students should have the right to
  • choose the courses that they have an interest in study whatever they prefer.

Ví dụ 2:

Mở bài:

It is argued by some that students would benefit more when they attend single-sex schools. In my opinion, however, it would be better for them to enter mixed-gender education.

Kết bài:

In conclusion, although some people think that it is more beneficial to send students to single- sex schools, I personally believe that mixed-gender education brings more benefits for students.

IELTS TUTOR chú thích các từ đồng nghĩa:

  • It is argued by some that some people think that
  • students would benefit more it is more beneficial to send students to
  • In my opinion I personally believe that
  • it would be better for them to brings more benefits for students.

Ví dụ 3:

Mở bài

Working longer hours is getting more common in todays society. I personally believe that this trend not only has a severe impact on the workers themselves, but also on their families and the community as a whole. Therefore, I totally agree with the idea of limiting working hours.

Kết bài

In conclusion, I would argue that working time should be reduced since the frequency of long working hours exerts an adverse effect on employees, their family bonds and their community.

IELTS TUTOR chú thích các từ đồng nghĩa:​

  • Working longer hours the frequency of long working hours
  • I personally believe that I would argue that
  • has a severe impact on exerts an adverse effect on
  • workers employees
  • limiting working hours working time should be reduced