Arm64 Chrome remote desktop

Hello r/raspberry_pi. I've recently discovered Chrome Remote Desktop for its use streaming my Windows desktop to my Chromebook. I have VNC Viewer for Chrome on my Chromebook I use to VNC into my Pi. It would be neat if I could skip VNC altogether and use Chrome Remote Desktop to connect to the Pi.

I had a bit of trouble installing Chromium. I used the same package I used to install Chromium on my Chromebook running Ubuntu which happens to be ARM. Whatever Chromium package the Ubuntu people manage. So I figured the armhf Chromium package would work on the Pi (I also found a source noting the package installs fine on Debian). Not sure if I did it right as Chromium doesn't launch.

I understand Chrome or Chromium is necessary for a Chrome Remote Desktop session so if I had help installing Chromium on my Pi that would help.

Thanks if anyone has any info regarding Chromium running properly on Raspbian and Chrome Remote Desktop working under that!

PS: I intend to ditch VNC in favor of Google's approach partly due to security. I'm not sure where to find resources building secure VNC connections. Any help there appreciated.

Chrome Remote Desktop makes it possible to access and control computers remotely through a browser window. The machine must be configured to work with Chrome Remote Desktop before a connection can be made. This application runs on desktops, laptops, phones, tablets, and even the Raspberry Pi.

How does Chrome remote desktop work?

There are two main modes: Remote Access and Remote Support. Remote Access allows you to connect to a specific machine using a PIN. This is a static PIN that you can change whenever you want. Support mode offers the ability to share screens temporarily with a one-time-access code.

You can even use Chrome Remote Desktop while working in another country.

MK97_2007 Posts: 208 Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2021 4:12 pm Contact: Website

Mon Mar 22, 2021 10:54 am

The deb file is a amd64 file, and the raspberry pi can run only run archf file. But you can use qemu, but i dont know how to use qemu.