Phản bội tiếng anh là gì năm 2024

phản bội trong Tiếng Anh là gì, định nghĩa, ý nghĩa và cách sử dụng. Dịch từ phản bội sang Tiếng Anh.

Từ điển Việt Anh

  • phản bội to turn a cat in the pan; to be unfaithful to...; to betray phản bội trong tình yêu to be unfaithful in one's love kẻ phản bội rat; traitor; betrayer; cat in the pan; turncoat; quisling; renegade; apostate

Từ điển Việt Anh - VNE.

  • phản bội to be unfaithful to, to betray
  • phản bội to betray

Legalistic proportionality, political consensus, personal betrayal, cultural balkanization, and social hierarchy are underlying themes of both books.

The constant risk of betrayal meant isolating themselves from encounters with civilians other than carefully arranged meetings.

Today this act is remembered as a ' betrayal ' that called into question the legitimacy of the matrilineal system of labor and inheritance.

Within this context of seeking and receiving professional services we can formalize the distinction between genuine and merely "felt" betrayals.

His anger imparted his acute sense of betrayal and the necessity of vindicating his maturity.

Of course, these violations of basic principles can be seen as betrayals of communist ideals.

The outer body can be interpreted as a betrayal of the youthfulness of the inner self.

This startling finding was immediately broadcast over loudspeakers and incited mixed feelings of betrayal and fury among the protesters.

Over time, they were unable to avoid widespread accusations of treachery and betrayal, and this wore them down.

It isn't the human weakness of his love or betrayal of it that has so powerful an effect on him, though this is potent.

Moreover, this could count as a genuine betrayal insofar as attention to sustaining the capacity to trust is absent.

Hence, it was not a case of abandonment and, therefore, not betrayal.

It offers to diminish the force of the dilemma of submission or betrayal.

The boasts are carried in the language of forefathers: they "liefer had died" than contemplate betrayal and change.

Or, to express it another way, any generation that hands on less than it inherited is guilty of betrayal.

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