Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

Looking for printable cleaning checklists for every room in your house? You’ve found them! Here you’ll find daily, weekly, monthly, and even Spring Cleaning routines to incorporate into your house cleaning schedule.

Have you ever spent a few hours or even an entire day cleaning the house, only to look around and feel like you didn’t get anything done? Try adding these to your house cleaning schedule. You’ll clean more in less time, and you’ll know nothing got overlooked.

The great thing about using a checklist is that you don’t forget any steps. If you get interrupted while cleaning — and, if you’re a parent, you know interruptions are almost guaranteed — you can easily pick up right where you were without skipping a thing.

How to Use House Cleaning Checklists

Make them reusable. Print the checklists you want to use in your house cleaning schedule, then slip them into plastic page covers. As you work, cross items off with a dry-erase pen or crayon, then wipe the page when you’re done.

Stash your pages where you can easily find them. Stash your cleaning checklists in a household binder if you use one or in the room where you’ll use them. I keep a copy of the nightly kitchen cleaning checklist taped inside a cabinet door to make it easy for family members to help tidy up at the end of the night.

Get your family involved! Using cleaning checklists makes it easy for everyone in the family to help. For example, with older kids, give them a specific room’s checklist, and they’ll know what and how to clean it. Or, to make cleaning day a family project, work together on a checklist. Each one contains multiple boxes, so you can go step by step or assign each family member a box.

What to use?

Wondering what cleaning products and tools to use? Check out my page of Recommended Products for the tools and products I use in my own home.

The daily cleaning routine is about tidying your home to keep it looking nice, even when you haven’t had time to clean. Then use the nightly kitchen routine to “close the kitchen” for the night and help avoid household pests. Your mornings will go more smoothly when you don’t start them looking at a mess.

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

People who keep a clean home all share the same secret: they use a daily cleaning routine like this one to get everything tidy in minutes.

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

Having a nightly kitchen cleaning routine is a great way to “close” the kitchen for the night. It’s also a great way to give yourself a good start the next…

Weekly House Cleaning Checklists

It’s important to clean your home’s main rooms every week, even if they don’t look filthy. When you clean before things look messy, it goes much faster. Weekly cleaning also allows you to notice problems like pests, mold, or mildew before they become serious issues.

So, use these weekly house cleaning checklists as part of your routine, whether you prefer doing one room a day or doing them all on the weekend. You’ll work faster, clean more thoroughly, and know you didn’t overlook a thing.

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

Use this weekly kitchen cleaning checklist to get a professional-level cleaning that never misses a spot.

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

Cleaning professionals use bathroom cleaning checklists to get the job done faster without missing anything. Now you can, too.

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

Use this free printable weekly living room cleaning checklist to get your gathering space spotless without wasting time. Here’s a printable weekly living room cleaning checklist for those of you…

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

A clean bedroom leads to a better night’s sleep and a better mood in the morning. Use this checklist to get yours spotless every week.

Spring Cleaning Checklists

Spring Cleaning is an enormous task, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But you know what they say about tackling any big task: you do it one small bit at a time. That’s also true when it comes to Spring Cleaning — or Deep Cleaning — your home.

The printable Spring Cleaning Checklists below help you break it down into manageable steps. But don’t feel like you need to wait until Spring — there’s no reason you can’t use these for Fall Cleaning, too!

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

Make your bedroom sparkle and shine with this Bedroom Spring Cleaning Checklist.

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

Use this living room Spring Cleaning checklist to clean every surface, even a few areas you’d never think to clean.

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

Give your kitchen a thorough deep-cleaning any time of year with this printable Kitchen Spring Cleaning Checklist.

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

Use this bathroom spring cleaning checklist to get your bathroom cleaner than ever without wasting your time.

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

Use this Garage Spring Cleaning Checklist to create functional, clutter-free storage for your tools and cars.

More House Cleaning Checklists

These checklists cover everything from quick chores you can do in minutes to occasional tasks that you want to know you’ve done right.

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

This speed cleaning checklist gets your home looking clean even when it’s not. Sometimes, despite our best intentions, life throws us a curveball and the housework just doesn’t get done….

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

Hand your kids this printable cleaning checklist for kids’ rooms. They’ll stay on task while getting the job done, so you can be proud of their work. Does this sound…

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

Here’s a printable closet cleaning checklist — actually, two. I’ve already shared printable cleaning checklists for most of the other rooms in the house, but not the closet. There’s a…

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

Are you feeling overwhelmed by hosting Thanksgiving Dinner this year? Use this checklist as a game plan to get ready a little each day, and you’ll have time to enjoy the holiday, too.

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

Use this pantry cleaning checklist to get your pantry clean, organized, and more efficient than ever before.

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

Hang this list of quick chores on your fridge. They’re a great way to clean house in your spare time. Plus, your kids can help.

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

A dry afternoon and a few basic cleaning supplies are all you need to detail and clean your car’s interior like a pro.

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

This weekly cleaning schedule lets you keep your weekends free. This room-by-room checklist gets your whole house clean plus monthly maintenance tasks, too.

Monthly cleaning checklist PDF

Ever wonder how often you should clean the things in your home? Use this chart to stay on track and keep your home tidy year-round.